Knitting Navy Wife

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I'm back, did ya miss me?

Well I know of at least one person who did. I was reprimanded last night at one of my knitting group get togethers about my lack of blogging. If that's what it takes to get me back here I won't be too upset. I’ve come to post a few times since I finished my knitting Olympics project and every time I see that post it blows my mind all over again and any coherent thoughts I had to blog about fly right out the window. Did I mention that shawl only took me 4 days to finish? Ok, you’re tired of that. Time to move on.

I’ve started a new Knit-a-long (like I need another one, right?). I’m going to be knitting Sam the Ram. Check out the picture and tell me he isn’t the neatest thing you have ever seen. Now just to start off slowly I decided to knit his girlfriend Sue the Ewe first to get the body shaping straight in my head before adding the Aran stuff. Now Sue wears a lovely lace shawl and since I have successfully knit a few shawls, including Peacock Feathers, I figured it would be a nice easy way to work into Sue. The shawl for Sue is only about 27” across so how hard could it be? Anyone out there see the knitting gods about to strike me down? I didn’t . After knitting merrily along (and thinking how easy this was and how quickly it was going) I got slapped! The shawl is designed very cleverly so the size can be adjusted by the amount of yarn you have, and can even be knitting for an adult to wear. I love it! However, once the patterns are established in the shawl you’re on your own until you turn the corner in the center. I had to think! And do math! And remember what row of each pattern I was on! I cracked. I’m not proud of it but I did. I should have read (and not scoffed at) the part about the pattern being “quite complicated”. After stuffing the shawl in a bag on a shelf for a while until it behaved itself and figuring out a way that I could work with the pattern, I pulled it back out, had a talk with it, told it to behave and finally finished it:

It hasn't been blocked yet, but after all the grief I took from it I had to show it off. It's going to look quite spiffy around Sue's neck. (Is anyone else scared that I used the word spiffy?)

The FLAK is moving right along. After knitting a total of 4 sleeves I'm ready to start the body. I'm really liking how it's turning out too. Especially after the work so far!

Now for the answer about the 4 sleeves and why the picture only shows 2. I had some math issues, well not really math issues, more interpretation of the results issues. Without boring you with all the technical details, the math I had to do brought me to decreasing every 3.75 rows. Cool! So I start decreasing every 3 rows, knowing that's going to take me right down to the cuff with the correct number of stitches (do you see the disaster this is heading for?). Hold it! I'm 6 inches too short and it's too tight. How did that happen? To the frog pond to tear out sleeve one. Next try. Oh I see I missed that whole .75 part of the number. I'll decrease every 4th row till about halfway then every 3rd row. I'm so smart I amaze myself sometimes. Dang! It's still too short, but only by 4 inches and it's also still too tight. To the frog pond again to tear out sleeve number two. I will not let these sleeves beat me! I decided to decrease every 4th row all the way down and wouldn't you know it it came out fine on the third try. Repeat for the other sleeve, knit the cuffs and voila! 4 sleeves!

I've decided that hand knit socks are cool and are my newest obsession. I'm not sure if I'm going to buy too many more socks at Target, or wherever else I go. I came to this conclusion after wearing these for a day

They are from Nancy Bush's Knitting on the Road. I think they are the Conwy socks. The yarn is Lang Jawoll. I love these socks and now want to knit socks in all colors for my very own feet. (Hmmm, I didn't realize the sun washed out the color so much. They really are a much deeper burgundy than this.) I've even gone so far as to join yet another knit-a-long group. Six-Sox- Knitalong (I've decided that my whole thing with Knitalong's is I enjoy knowing there are other people knitting the same thing I am and I can talk about it with them, or get help when I need bailing out!)
While I'm on the subject of socks, check these out

Technically they aren't socks, they're slippers. From Knit One, Felt Too. I think they are called Slide on Slippers and they are knit in Rio de la Plata yarn. I made these around Christmas time and wear them constantly. They are the comfiest, warmest things I've ever made. Not too great on wood laminate floors but I've adapted.

All other projects I have been working on and mentioned here in this blog have found there way to the UFO place in my craft room. I'll run across them again and finish them eventually, just not soon.

And now for a bit of an Awwww.

She really is this cute (I may be biased) and at only 10 months old knows how to use that cuteness. This is my daughter Sidney modeling her double breasted 'jacket' I recently finished for her. The pattern is from a Debbie Bliss book (I can't for the life of me remember which one) and is knit from Debbie Bliss wool/cotton.

And since he's always demanding equal time, I'll close with a picture that has absolutely nothing to do with knitting

My son Logan with his clinician at what we call his Saturday school at the University of Maryland. It's a great program for special needs kids. They work one on one with a volunteer or college student to help there development. It's basically two hours of structured play time and Logan loves it! The first picture is his sweet expression, the second is his more normal one when he's about to be a little terror and trying to be cute about it.

Someday I'm sure I'll get a picture up here of the man that puts the Navy part in Navy wife. I just can't convince him that he SHOULD wear something I knit him. It's not that he doesn't like my knitting, the only thing he'll wear that is knitted is socks and a picture of his feet just isn't what I had in mind. Although one of the best laughs I've had in a long time came from him yesterday. I was reading blogs and looking at someone's pics of their yarn and he came in and said, "oh gawd! not more yarn!" I kid you not. Does this mean I knit too much?


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