Knitting Navy Wife

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Coffee and moving

What is it about coffee that make some people nuts? I mean I'm from Seattle originally. The coffee capital of the world and I freaked out when I couldn't find a drive-thru latte stand anywhere when I moved to Maryland. I used to know where there were at least 10 of them within a 5 mile radius of my house when I lived in Seattle but out here? Nothing!! I'm lucky I can find a Starbucks and those are everywhere! I was wondering what kind of uncivilized planet had Jeff brought me to to marry him. Luckily one of the wedding gifts we got was an espresso maker and a coffee grinder. There is a God! So every morning I now make a triple mocha and I'm good to go. Knitting (and all things in general) are better with a sufficient dose of caffeine. And while I'm on the subject.... why can't a company call there products the same thing on the East Coast as on the West Coast? The example that comes to mind is mayonnaise. The brand I know (west coast) is Best Foods. Do you know how many months it took me to figure out that Hellman's was the same thing here?! Too much work if you ask me. I guess I should get used to it if I'm going to continue to be a Navy wife. We move a lot I've heard. Moving on now....

The FLAK is going along quite nicely. I have my saddles done:

Aren't they cool? I think they came out pretty well. I'm in love with the color. I used KnitPicks Wool of the Andes in Hollyberry. I decided I needed a reddish sweater since I didn't have one and the cables pop nice. Now to work on other things while I wait patiently for the next installment.

I decided to join yet another KAL. I guess you can call it that. It's the Knitting Olympics that the Yarn Harlot challenged knitters on. I know... I may have totally lost my mind and I think Jeff may shoot me if I join one more but what he doesn't know won't hurt him, right? I've decided to knit the Shetland Lace shawl that Evelyn A Clark designed in Wrap Style. It should be sufficiently challenging that I'll have to work at it but not so tough I have no hope of finishing in the 16 days! I'll post the picture of whatever I get done by the time the Olympics are over.


  • At 11:50 PM, Blogger Mary-Heather said…

    I'm knitting a shawl for the knitalong, too!

    Have we both lost our minds?

  • At 8:01 PM, Blogger Holly said…

    I think I'm in love with that color, too. I have some WOTA in Fog-it'll be my next aran after FLAK. For this one, I'm using Paton's Classic in Bright Red.
    I'm knitting the mistake stitch moebius from Knitting Around for Steph's challenge. Should be interesting!


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